Friday, 11 December 2020

Welcome travellers... Rest your weary feet.

 Hello there.

This has been an idea a few of us have been mulling about for some time now. A lot of us gamers are getting on a bit, we have been playing table-top roleplaying games for as long time and, let's face it, things aren't as good as they were in the old days!

Call us curmudgeonly old gits if you like, but we have fond memories of quests gone by, tall tales of dungeons crawled and ales quaffed. 

We know we are not alone and we feel that there should be a home for folk like us to gather, meet up, exchange ideas and reminisce about times gone by.

If you would like to be part of the OGnD get in touch and lets see what we can do with this! All ideas and experience welcome.

Contact us here at 

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